define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true); Canada confirms new case of mad cow disease


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Canada confirms new case of mad cow disease

Ottawa (CFIA) – The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has confirmed bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in a six-year-old dairy cow from Alberta. The animal’s carcass is under CFIA control, and no part of it entered the human food or animal feed systems.

The age and location of the infected animal are consistent with previous cases detected in Canada This case will not affect Canada’s Controlled Risk country status, as recognized by the World Organization for Animal Health. This status clearly acknowledges the effectiveness of Canada’s surveillance, risk mitigation and eradication measures. Based on science, it is not expected that this case should impact access to any of Canada’s current international markets for cattle and beef.

As Canada progresses toward the eradication of BSE, the periodic detection of a small number of cases is fully expected. Canada’s BSE surveillance program, which targets the highest risk animals and regions, continues to benefit from very strong producer participation. At the same time, Canada’s animal and human health safeguards prevent potentially harmful cattle tissues from entering the human food and animal feed systems.

An epidemiological investigation directed by international guidelines is underway to identify the animal’s herdmates at the time of birth and potential pathways by which it might have become infected. Once completed, a report on the investigation will be publicly released.

MET: 2024-09-13 12:03:03