define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true); Hong Kong: Oriental Magpie Robin tested for H5 virus


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Hong Kong: Oriental Magpie Robin tested for H5 virus

Hong Kong (aho) – Preliminary testing of a dead Oriental Magpie Robin found in Tai Po had indicated a suspected case of H5 avian influenza, a spokesman for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) said today (March 4), adding that further confirmatory tests were being conducted.

The bird carcass was found and collected on February 29 near the management centre in Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve. Oriental Magpie Robin is a common resident bird in Hong Kong.

“In view of this case, we have conducted a thorough cleansing operation in the nearby area of the management centre today. Notices have been put up near the management centre to remind the public to avoid contact with birds and their droppings. Our country park staff will also step up precautionary measures in the parks,” the spokesman said.

The spokesman said there was one commercial chicken farm within three kilometers of where the bird was found. The AFCD had immediately sent staff to inspect the chicken farm, and had found no abnormal mortality or symptoms of avian influenza among the chicken flocks. The chicken farm will be put under enhanced surveillance.

The AFCD will phone poultry farmers reminding them to strengthen precautionary and biosecurity measures against avian influenza. Letters will be issued to the farmers, pet bird shop owners, licence holders of pet poultry and racing pigeons reminding them that proper precautions must be taken.

The spokesman said that the department would conduct frequent inspections of poultry farms and the wholesale market to ensure that proper precautions against avian influenza had been implemented. The department will continue its wild bird monitoring and surveillance.

The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) will continue to be vigilant over imported live poultry as well as live poultry stalls. It will also remind stall operators to maintain good hygiene.

The Department of Health will keep up with its health education and distribute health advice leaflets.

AFCD, FEHD, the Customs and Excise Department and the Police will strive to deter the illegal import of poultry and birds into Hong Kong to minimise the risk of avian influenza outbreaks brought by imported poultry and birds that had not gone through inspection and quarantine.

The spokesman said the threat of avian influenza remained. The relevant departments will remain vigilant and continue to take preventive and control measures against avian influenza.

Members of the public are reminded to observe good personal hygiene. They should avoid personal contact with wild birds and live poultry and their droppings. They should clean their hands thoroughly after coming into contact with them. Poultry and eggs should be thoroughly cooked before consumption.

MET: 2024-09-13 13:10:36