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Lifelong protection: Early use of oral ileitis vaccine becoming more popular

Zürich (aho) – Oral vaccination of piglets with Enterisol® Ileitis, already widely practised in many European countries, is becoming increasingly popular in Switzer­land as well, according to an article by Dr. Xaver Sidler of the Swine Dis­ease Unit at the University of Zürich.  Although the vaccine has only been available on the Swiss market for 12 months, vets and pig farmers have been quick to recognise its benefits. Dr. Sidler, writing in the August edition of Landfreund, emphasises that vaccination should be carried out at an early stage so that piglets have time to build up full immunity in advance of a potential first exposure to Lawsonia intra­cellularis, the organism that is responsible for ileitis.  An important point to note, says Dr. Sidler, is that vac­cination, unlike antibi­otic treatment, confers lifelong protection.  The financial benefits of vaccination are im­pressive, too; Dr. Sidler quotes figures from field studies which show that vaccination improves financial re­turns by CHF 7 – 12 (€ 4.43 – 7.60) per pig.  Other particular advantages of vaccination cited by the article include reduced bodyweight variability and a reduction in antibiotic usage.

The vaccine can be given by oral drench to piglets as young as three weeks, even before they have been weaned.  The trend towards early vaccination by oral drenching is growing steadily; Boehringer Ingelheim, the manufacturers of the vaccine, estimate that nearly half of all vaccine applications are carried out using this method.  Early vaccination also has the advantage of ensuring that a reasonable period of time elapses before possible routine medication in the weaner nursery.

MET: 2024-05-12 13:25:26