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EuroTier 2008: World’s largest exhibition for professional animal husbandry

Hannover (DLG) – The International DLG Exhibition for animal husbandry and management, EuroTier 2008, being held at the Exhibition Grounds in Hanover from 11 to 14 November 2008, has exerted a hitherto unequalled attraction on manufacturers of machinery, equipment, installations and farm inputs as well as animal exhibitors from Germany and other countries. With 1,694 direct exhibitors and 40 additionally represented firms from all over the world, the DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft – German Agricultural Society) as organiser has noted record stand application figures. The number of exhibitors is 15 percent up on that at the last exhibition two years ago. The exhibition floor space has grown by about 25 percent compared with the previous record level. Moreover a fireworks of innovations is to be expected at this year’s EuroTier. This is evident from the 243 innovations submitted to the DLG for consideration. Accordingly EuroTier is living up to its claim to be the world’s most important forum for presenting innovations in the segment of animal husbandry. It is further consolidating its position as the most important exhibition for professional animal husbandry.

EuroTier more international than ever before

The strong increase in the number of exhibitors is attributable in particular to the outstanding participation from abroad. With 715 exhibitors from 45 countries, EuroTier 2008 will be more international than ever before. The foreign contingent accounts for 42 percent. The growth in numbers comes from all over the world. With 166 companies the Netherlands are once again clearly top of the league. The high participation from France with 87 companies (plus 20 percent) is also encouraging. There are twice as many exhibitors from the USA (35) and China (24). Other strong contingents have been noted from Italy (66), Denmark (51), the United Kingdom (47), Spain (40), Belgium (39) and Austria (32).

“This is as a clear sign that companies from these countries aim to use EuroTier as the international turntable for markets throughout Europe, Russia, the Near and Middle East and Eastern Asia. For them EuroTier is the world’s meeting place for the branch,” says Dr. Reinhard Grandke, General Executive Manager of the DLG. ”

This is where they can encounter business farmers and investors, major customers from the fields of industry, trade and research facilities from all over the world, as well as representatives from the fields of politics, consultancy, associations and federations,” adds Grandke.

A top class display of exhibitors

The DLG attributes the outstanding stand booking results in particular to the concept of this exhibition. At EuroTier the complete programme of equipment and machinery, genetics, farm inputs and services for cattle, pig and poultry husbandry are presented at a single venue. This is unique in the world. By contrast with previous years, stand bookings in all segments of the exhibition have grown encouragingly. A programme never before seen in this breadth will be presented in the cattle and pig segments, in the areas of feed and animal health, as well as in the poultry sector with the “World Poultry Show”. Outstanding interest by exhibitors has also been registered in the bioenergy sector with “BioEnergy Europe” that was successfully premiered two years ago. Moreover the advisory staff of many international associations and organisations as well as personnel from research institutions, academia and the DLG with its experts will be providing comprehensive information services at EuroTier 2008.

EuroTier 2008 – Forging ideas and providing impulses for future-oriented concepts

The growth in the world population as well as increasing affluence and urbanisation in large parts of the world are strong arguments pointing to a stable demand for foods. Many experts see a large increase in the demand for high grade foods especially in the coming years. These are good prerequisites for pig, cattle and poultry farmers, in Germany and throughout the world. However, the competition for market shares will become even sharper among producers. Animal farmers will have to respond to this and make their farms more professional in future. Their need for information and orientation is high. They require informative and competent orientation assistance, especially in matters of quality assurance, management methods in line with animal welfare and functional requirements, herd management, feeding, animal health, hygiene and genetics. EuroTier is the ideal information platform for this. It is not only an innovations exchange for modern technology, but also a forge for ideas and a provider of impulses for important future concepts in animal husbandry. With its outstanding exhibition programme and many information events in its technical side programme, EuroTier will supply animal farmers with answers to their many questions concerning the future. It will help to develop strategies and point up perspectives for the future. That is why EuroTier attracts in particular those farmers who plan to master the future and are preparing consistently with this in mind. This forward-looking atmosphere is an essential hallmark of EuroTier, appreciated by exhibitors from all over the world. Especially in difficult times with new challenges it is necessary for actors in the fields of agriculture and industry as well as partners in distribution to develop keener forward-looking vision. And EuroTier offers the best conditions for this.

New hall concept caters to EuroTier growth

By relocating EuroTier to the south-western part of the Hanover Exhibition Grounds the DLG has opened up a new dimension and taken an important step forward. On the one hand the new hall concept caters specifically to EuroTier’s growth. On the other hand the new, modern exhibition halls offer exhibitors ideal conditions for presenting themselves effectively in global competition. Visitors too will profit from this concept. Thanks to the clearly structured arrangement by product groups in the large halls they will be able to orient themselves even better in the Exhibition Grounds.

“World Poultry Show” ? The highlight for the world’s poultry branch

Participation in the poultry husbandry section at EuroTier 2008 covers the entire branch with its market leaders in the segments of breeding, husbandry and processing. This makes the “World Poultry Show” the unique international poultry event this year and hence the highlight for the global branch. The comprehensive cross-species areas of the exhibition, such as feed and feed storage, animal health or climate control technology, provide poultry experts with a unique opportunity for gathering across-the-board information. The veterinarian congress being held in parallel with EuroTier and the associated “Veterinarian Medicine Exhibition” means that far more veterinarians than at previous exhibitions are expected this year otc viagra.

Focus on top genetics for cattle breeding ? Daily presentations at the “TopTierTreff” = top cattle genetics

The prime prerequisites for future-oriented dairy cattle farming include robust and long-life cows. That is why cattle genetics is becoming ever more important. This year EuroTier will once again offer a unique overview of top genetics in cattle breeding in Europe. Altogether 33 leading German and international breeding organisations and enterprises will be presenting their daughter animals at the “TopTierTreff” = top cattle genetics in Hall 27. They will be using this unique platform to show the cream of their genetics to a top-flight international expert public. The “TopTierTreff” = top cattle genetics, which has now developed to become an effective instrument for presenting modern cattle genetics, will therefore once again be one of the centres of attraction for cattle farmers and cattle breeders from Germany and the rest of the world. Presentations will be held there every day in German and at certain times in English and Russian too. The best daughter animals will be shown, including the Holstein, (Simmental) flecked cattle and Brown Mountain cattle breeds as well as a broad range of beef cattle.

“BioEnergy Europe” attracts very strong interest

“BioEnergy Europe”, the international exhibition for bioenergy and local energy supply, is also encountering strong interest among exhibitors. Some 200 specialist exhibitors including all the renowned enterprises from Germany and other countries will be presenting a comprehensive programme covering the entire range of technological developments in the field of bioenergy, renewable energies and technology related to local energy supply in Halls 24, 25 and 26. This programme will be supplemented by a similarly large number of exhibitors whose product range will attract both animal farmers and bioenergy specialists. “BioEnergy Europe” that is being held in close cooperation with VDMA Power Systems addresses both bioenergy producers and agricultural, local-authority, commercial and industrial users and operators of local energy supply systems. Thus for the first time at an exhibition the producers and users of bioenergy and local energy supply will be brought together. As a common platform for the energy and agricultural branches, “BioEnergy Europe” aims to create transparency through a broad range of technical solutions and services. By covering the entire value chain, from biomass production right through to the outlet socket, radiator or fuel tank, it will close a hitherto existing gap and point up necessary interfaces. Alongside the programme offered by the exhibitors, the DLG together with Bauförderung Landwirtschaft (BFL), an organisation devoted to promoting agricultural building construction and optimising livestock management conditions, and the Kuratorium für Waldarbeit und Forsttechnik (KWF – German Centre for Forest Work and Technology) as well as further partners is realising a comprehensive technical programme including “Specials” on the topics “Biogas ? local and efficient” and “Energy resource ? timber from landscape care” in the BioEnergy Europe concept. A further highlight will be the BioEnergy Event on 12 November 2008 that will focus on the future-oriented dialogue between bioenergy and local energy supply.

bpt Congress with “Veterinarian Medicine Exhibition” parallel with EuroTier for the first time

For the first time the Federal Association of Practising Veterinarians (bpt) will be holding its Annual congress and associated ” Veterinarian Medicine Exhibition ” in a time frame overlapping with EuroTier (from 13 to 16 November 2008 at the Exhibition Grounds in Hanover). The Congress offers a broad range of seminars and lectures. In addition the veterinarians will be able to gather information about the most recent developments in animal husbandry at EuroTier. Alongside this special programmes will also be shown at the “Veterinarian Medicine Exhibition” that is part of the bpt Congress and only accessible for veterinarians, for instance on fitting out veterinarian practices and surgeries. Furthermore, this exhibition will provide veterinarians with a platform for gathering information about animal medicaments subject to prescription. An “International Animal Health Event” organised jointly by the DLG, bpt and the European Veterinarian Federation (FVE) will serve veterinarians from all over the world as a meeting place and contact bourse, as well as a link between EuroTier and the bpt Congress. Visitors to the Congress will be able to hear lectures from renowned speakers and will also have opportunities to build up and intensify international contacts.

Aquaculture a firm constituent part of EuroTier

The “marketplace for aquaculture” at EuroTier 2008 will once again be the focus of interest for many expert visitors from home and abroad. Leading technology and outfitting companies as well as many other suppliers and institutions from the aquaculture, mariculture, inland fisheries and environmental engineering segments will be represented in Hall 26. The international fish feed industry, technologists, outfitters and suppliers are increasingly making use of EuroTier as their international marketplace. The concept of combining information (Forum Aquaculture) and advisory services (Advisory Center Aquaculture) with an international exhibition landscape and a strong agricultural segment caters quite specifically to the information needs of the branch. Moreover it is possible here to network with BioEnergy Europe where heat use already plays a major role in controlled fish breeding in warm water closed cycle systems.

International technical programme

EuroTier is considered to be an important future forum covering all aspects of professional animal husbandry. Accordingly it will be providing a comprehensive technical programme this year too at which technology trends will be pointed up and all important issues concerning modern animal husbandry and animal breeding will be discussed. For instance on 12 November 2008 there will be an Eastern Europe workshop on the theme “International cooperation in animal husbandry” that will focus on perspectives, challenges and concepts in Russia and Ukraine. Also on 12 November 2008 there will be a European-Chinese Conference addressing pig farming. Other meeting places for international top animal farmers are the Pig Event, the Dairy Event and the Poultry Event, all of which will be held together with partner organisations from Germany and other countries in the Convention Center (CC) on the eve of the exhibition, 10 November 2008. These events are important contact and information bourses. They will all have top-level keynote speakers on up-to-the-minute themes and thus provide forward-looking impulses. Within the scope of these events awards will once again be presented by impartial juries to top European farmers as EuroTier-Pig Farmer 2008 and EuroTier-Dairy Farmer 2008. The “Poultry Day” will also be held on 10 November ? prepared by the DLG together with the Central Association of German Poultry Producers (ZDG).

Large number of forum events with English / German simultaneous interpreting for the first time

Representatives from the worlds of research and academia, consultancy, industry and farming practice will be presenting current trends and important developments on topical themes in the branch at animal species-specific forum events every day. Many of these forum events are also significant for international visitors as for the first time they will be held with simultaneous English / German interpreting.

Following the great success at the last EuroTier, there will be a “Young Farmers Day” for young farmers and students of agriculture from Germany and other countries this year too. Alongside a visit to EuroTier on 13 November 2008, the programme includes discussion events, meeting points where participants can get to know each other and share experiences and also, as a highlight, the “Young Farmers Party”.

High numbers of visitors expected

The DLG has registered strong interest from visitors in both Germany and other countries. Thanks to the unique exhibition programme, the many advance enquiries and the many special trains running to Hanover, large numbers of visitors are expected from throughout Germany and many European countries. Many specialists are also expected from the Central and East European countries, chiefly from Poland, Russia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Ukraine and the Baltic countries. Far more enquiries about visits to EuroTier 2008 have also been received from the Near and Middle East and from China than was the case two years ago. That is why the DLG is expecting some 130,000 visitors this year too.

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