define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true); economics -


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World Poultry IPE video review

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China reinstates swine trade with Canada

(CSEA) – Canadian Swine Exporters Association is pleased to announce that negotiations are finalized and trade in Purebred swine genetics can now resume. China halted importation last May, 2009 due to H1N1 concerns in China. The Canadian swine genetics industry enjoys a well earned reputation for exceptional quality, reliability and value. The Chinese swine industry […]

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Porcine practice: Marked increase in performance after ileitis injection

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Porcine practice: Ileitis vaccination reduces diarrhoea and PMWS in weaner pigs

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MET: 2024-07-27 04:14:31