define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true); UK: A BSE case born in JULY 2002.


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UK: A BSE case born in JULY 2002.

HemeraLondon (DEFRA) – BSE has been diagnosed in a Hereford X Cow, born on 16 July 2002, 71 months after 1 August 1996, when extra control measures on animal feed containing mammalian meat and bone meal (MMBM) are considered to have been fully implemented.

The animal was taken as a clinical suspect under the compulsory BSE passive surveillance programme; or Its farm of origin was in Monmouthshire. At 39 months of age it moved to a second farm in Powys where it remained until it was slaughtered as a BSE
suspected on 12 August 2008 aged 72 months Disease was officially confirmed on 03 September 2008.

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